Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year!

Hello, Northridge Townhomes Residents! We want to wish you all a very happy and healthy New Year. This past year has been one of many transitions, and lots of learning on everyone's parts. We really appreciate all of your support and patience with our board. We are looking forward to a great new year, and are going to be out meeting everyone and getting to know you all.

We really want our community to feel like friends and family instead of the strangers that some feel like. We encourage you all to meet your neighbors on your street, around the corner, down the road and even at the other end of where you are! I would like to be able to say that I know all of my neighbors by summertime.

Wouldn't it be great if you felt as if you had someone on every street that you felt close to? Someone that in an emergency situation, you would feel as if you could turn to them? I want everyone to know that they are welcome to call with any concerns, questions, news, anything! All of our board members are committed to making this a GREAT place to live!

We are going to have a meeting in March for every member of our community to attend. We will discuss our finances, questions, concerns and anything else people want to discuss. We'll get more information out as the date and place are decided.

If you have any major concerns, we would love to hear them so we can take steps to address them, please write down your questions and put them in our HOA box at the West side of the community and we will discuss them at our monthly meeting.

We hope you all have a great start to your year, and feel welcome in our little community!

Ciera Stout